Last updated on January 10th, 2025
Compliance with Laws and Regulations: Our suppliers must comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and standards in the countries in which they operate.
Ethics and Integrity: Our suppliers must conduct their business with the highest level of ethics and integrity and must not engage in any illegal, dishonest, or deceptive practices.
Labour Practices: Our suppliers must respect the rights of their employees and must not use forced or child labour. They must also provide a safe and healthy work environment and must not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, gender, age, or any other protected characteristic.
Environmental Responsibility: Our suppliers must minimise their environmental impact and must adhere to all relevant environmental laws and regulations. They must also strive to reduce their energy consumption, water usage, and waste generation.
Human Rights: Our suppliers must respect the human rights of all individuals and must not engage in any activity that violates the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
Health and Safety: Our suppliers must prioritise the health and safety of their employees, customers, and the public. They must have appropriate policies and procedures in place to prevent accidents and injuries.
Business Practices: Our suppliers must conduct their business with transparency and integrity and must not engage in any corrupt or fraudulent practices.
We expect our suppliers to adhere to this code of conduct and will regularly review and assess their compliance with these standards. We will not do business with any supplier that does not meet these standards.
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